How To Add a New Coupon

Adding a new coupon with WP Coupons and Deals plugin is very easy. After you have installed the plugin, you can see Coupons menu item in your dashboard. When you hover on this menu item, you can see the ‘Add New Coupon’ Option.

Click on ‘Add New Coupon’. A new screen will load. Here you can put different information about the coupon.

First things first, put a title for the coupon.

Now you can see coupon details box containing fields for different information.

First one is Coupon Type. There are two coupon types. Coupon and Deal. Coupon type will show a coupon code, Deal type will show a custom text with the link.

Second one is the Coupon Code. If you select Deal coupon type, then Coupon Code field will hide, instead ‘Deal Button Text’ field will show, which can be anything. For example – Get This Deal, Claim This Deal etc.

Third field is Link. This can be any link you want. This most of the times should be your affiliate link, which will be opened when the coupon code or deal text is clicked.

Fourth one is Discount Amount/Text. This is to let the users know what the coupon or deal offers i.e 40% Off, $50 Off and so on.

Fifth one is the Description field. This is a little description you can add with the coupon code or deal. You can give additional details on the coupon code or deal here.

Next one is Coupon/Deal Expiration. You can select whether you want to show or hide the expiration. If you select hide, nothing will show. If you select Show, a new field will appear.

The new field Expires, that appears when you select to show expiration is the date picker field. Here you can pick the date, when the coupon or deal will be expiring.

After you’re done will all the information, hit on the ‘Publish’ button. When your coupon is published, you will get the shortcode for that coupon there. Just copy and paste it where you want to show the coupon. You can also insert the shortcode directly from post or page editor.