Support Policy

We provide paid product related support via our documentation and email support. Support can be requested through the use of form submissions through our contact page.

We cannot provide support via Facebook, or Twitter. We do not offer phone support.

On occasion, and only if warranted, we may request your login credentials to view an issue first hand and to troubleshoot in the most efficient way possible.

Support Hours

Our general support hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 8:00pm EST. During this time, we can generally provide feedback on any support queries within 12 – 24 hours, and often much faster.

Extent of Support

Paid Plugin:

We guarantee support for WP Coupons and Deals Pro Version. Unfortunately, we cannot provide general WordPress support that isn’t related to our products. For general WordPress support, please visit

Sometimes there is no clear line on what is considered support and customization. While we will do our best to help you with any type of query (support or customization), technical support will take precedence over customization support.

Free Plugin:

Our free plugin found on the repo does not come with guaranteed support, although we strive to answer every support thread submitted. Support for our WP Coupons and Deals free plugin is only answered on support area.