We are really excited to announce the release of WP Coupons and Deals Version 3.0. This release comes with something very exciting, something we have been working for a while.
Frontend Coupon Submission Form!
Yes, now you can let registered users on your website to add/submit coupons.
As the other things in WP Coupons and Deals, this too can be added in a post/page using a shortcode.
The shortcode for the form is: [wpcd_form]
Only logged in users can see the form and list of their coupons. If you are not logged in, the form and list will not show.
Here’s a preview of how it shows:

We have also added necessary settings for the Form.
Here’s a preview of the settings. They are pretty much self explanatory.

We have tested the form a lot before the release.
But since this is the first time we are releasing it, there might be issues with different environments.
Please reach out to us if you come across any issues.
We hope you enjoy it, please let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions for us to improve the functionality.